The Elements

As an Elemental witch, the connection was instilled in me from birth, but not everyone has that instant connection. 

For me, it was a gut feeling and hard to put to paper. (yes, I know this is online, but I’m old school and hand-write everything first. )

So this is my quick breakdown of the key points about the elements but the best advice I can give is to experience them for yourself. You probably already have without knowing it. Watching the flicker of a candle or feeling the wind blow through your hair - embrace it, follow it, experience it.

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Air is fluid and never fixed, unlike the other elements. It is all about ideas and knowledge that flow in and out of our minds. It is difficult to physically see Air and we tend to focus on the secondary motions. For instance, we see the branches moving in the wind or leaves drifting off down the street. But this doesn’t mean it isn’t there. To connect to air, open your windows and allow air to breathe life into your home. On your altar, you can burn incense as a physical representation.

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Earth is all about grounding. Physically it represents stability, emotionally it represents Empathy and it has everything to do with nature. To connect to this element can be something as simple as standing barefoot on the Earth or having soil on your altar. For a more intimate connection try forest bathing in the woods using your senses - feel the bark on the trees, listen to the birds and animals in the forest, smell the earthiness in the air and focus your eyes on something small and take in all the details.   

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Water is all about emotions and reflection. As a water sign I know this from personal experience - proud Cancerian! It reminds us to go with the flow and trust our intuition. It can be used as a way to help control your emotions - simply putting water on your wrist can help you to calm down. Water is connected to the moon and therefore gives off feminine energy. We can celebrate this element as simply as having a bowl of water or shell on your altar. If you can visit the Ocean and listen to the waves crash upon the shore and experience the raw power of water. Bless the gods, for living on an island!

Fire is the loudest element for sure. It’s vivid, loud, and proud in its strength and energy. It can spark creativity and sexuality reminding us to stay true to our core. Connected to the sun it represents masculine energy as opposed to Water’s femininity. This masculine energy drives independence and passion. We can celebrate fire by lighting a candle or having a bonfire. Fire is connected to a lot of sabbaths about sexuality and fertility - this is why couples jump the Beltane fire.




My Path So Far…