My Path So Far…

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I was always out in nature as a child as many are growing up, but something was different for me. There was this connection I felt to ….something.

As a kid, I found myself being enamored by the flame of a candle, and when stressed I'd turn to cool water on my wrists to calm me down. When feeling lost I'd turn to the woods and when I feel alive it's on the windiest of days. The common thread? The Elements.

I was an avid reader growing up and researching everything I heard about - I was that kid whenever we went somewhere to ask the most random question for the poor tour guides. Knowledge fascinated me, and the more I researched into my connection to the Elements it led me to the Celtic and Pagan religions - and I was home. I suddenly found how I could use the elements as a guide, as a tool, and as a friend.

So this is how the blog started warming up my cauldron. The plan is to release the bubbling knowledge contained within covering sabbaths, crystals, spell work, mythology, and much more.

So take a sip of the witches brew my friends…won’t you join me on my witchy endeavor?


The Elements