The Magic of Essential Oil 

When I am doing spell work I love to include different herbs to bring in my Earth element. But sometimes it is difficult to get, especially as I have no garden where I live. This is where Essential oils come in. 

Essential oils are plant extracts that have been concentrated to keep the natural aroma. As well as spell work they can be used for aromatherapy and even for medicinal purposes. Think about it, many Old Wives Tales rely on some form of herbs. 

For instance

  • applying witch hazel in a salve to help a bruise or muscle pain.

  • Using mint or lavender to treat a headache

  • Drinking lemon, ginger and honey tea to treat a sore throat or cold.

  • Using Lamb’s ear to absorb blood and help it clot more quickly.

  • Tea Tree and Peppermint can be used to help clear a cold.

These examples use herbs in many different ways. Using the herbs to make a tea, make a salve, diffusing or even using the herb whole. Having all of these herbs to hand in oil form makes it easier to store.

Whenever I am casting a spell or ritual, I like to anoint my candle or have a diffuser burning an oil. I use a mix of Rosemary for protection and Sage for cleansing.

I also find citrus aromas calm me down - which is great during times of anxiety. My personal favourite is Grapefruit.

Essential oils can be used in many different ways including inhaling, being used in a diffuser, used for massage, and use on pulse points just like a perfume.

To find a scent you like for a diffuser I recommend trying them out, but that can take a long time and cost a lot. You can categorise most oils as: 

  • Citrusy

  • Earthy

  • Floral

  • Herbal

  • Minty

  • Spicy

  • Woody

Once you have found the undertones you like, it can make it easier to choose aromas!

You can then mix them to create your own personal fragrance. 

Have fun experimenting and see what feels right - remember aromas are different for everyone!




Deity Profile: Morrigan